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Welcome Prof. Yanzhi Cai, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology China to be the TPC!
Welcome Prof. Yanzhi Cai, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology China to be the TPC!
Welcome Assoc.Prof. Jianjun Wang, Shanghai Polytechnic University China to be the TPC!
Welcome Assoc.Prof. Jianjun Wang, Shanghai Polytechnic University China to be the TPC!
Welcome Assoc.Prof. Jian Zong, Shanghai Institute of Technology China to be the TPC!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Jian Zong, Shanghai Institute of Technology China to be the TPC!
Welcome Prof. Qiang Li, Qingdao University, China to be the TPC!
Prof. Qiang Li, Qingdao University, China to be the TPC of NEMD 2024.
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Wei Lai, Chongqing University, China (IEEE Senior Member) to be the TPC!
Assoc. Prof. Wei Lai, Chongqing University, China (IEEE Senior Member) to be the TPC of NEMD 2024.
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Zhenhua Gu, Yunnan Normal University to be the TPC!
Assoc. Prof. Zhenhua Gu, Yunnan Normal University to be the TPC of NEMD 2024.
Welcome Prof. Jin Wang ,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications invited as TPC at NEMD!
Prof. Jin Wang,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications invited as TPC at NEMD.
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Baowen Zhou,Shanghai Jiao Tong University invited as TPC at NEMD 2023!
Assoc. Prof. Baowen Zhou,Shanghai Jiao Tong University invited as TPC at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Prof. Qibin Li,Chongqing University invited as TPC at NEMD 2023!
Prof. Qibin Li,Chongqing University invited as TPC at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Prof. chuanshuang Hu,South China Agricultural University invited as TPC at NEMD 2023!
Prof. chuanshuang Hu,South China Agricultural University invited as TPC at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Dr. Xiongbo Duan,Central South University invited as TPC at NEMD 2023!
Dr. Xiongbo Duan,Central South University invited as TPC at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Assoc.Prof. Songsheng Zheng,Xiamen Univeristy invited as TPC at NEMD 2023!
Assoc.Prof. Songsheng Zheng,Xiamen Univeristy invited as TPC at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Assoc.Prof. Jing Guo, Xi'an Jiaotong University invited as Keynote Speaker at NEMD 2023!
Assoc.Prof. Jing Guo, Xi'an Jiaotong University invited as Keynote Speaker at NEMD 2023
Welcome Dr. Huachao Yang,Zhejiang University invited as TPC at NEMD 2023!
Dr. Huachao Yang,Zhejiang University invited as TPC at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Prof. Hong Qi, Harbin Institute of Technology invited as Keynote Speaker at NEMD 2023!
Prof. Hong Qi, Harbin Institute of Technology invited as Keynote Speaker at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Prof. Sheng Han,Shanghai Institute of Technology invited as Keynote Speaker at NEMD 2023!
Prof. Sheng Han,Shanghai Institute of Technology invited as Keynote Speaker at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Prof. Rusen Yang, Xidian University invited as Conference Co-Chair at NEMD 2023
Welcome Prof. Rusen Yang, Xidian University invited as Conference Co-Chair at NEMD 2023
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Yang Yong ,Nanjing University of Science and Technology invited as TPC at NEMD 2023!
Assoc. Prof. Yang Yong ,Nanjing University of Science and Technology invited as TPC at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Dr. Jingcheng Zhang ,Tianjin CNOOC Chemical Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd. invited as TPC at NEMD 2023!
Dr. Jingcheng Zhang ,Tianjin CNOOC Chemical Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd. invited as TPC at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Prof. Xibao Li,Nanchang Hangkong University invited as TPC at NEMD 2023!
Prof. Xibao Li, Nanchang Hangkong University invited as TPC at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Prof. shizhao Kang,Shanghai Institute of Technology invited as TPC at NEMD 2023!
Prof. shizhao Kang,Shanghai Institute of Technology invited as TPC at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Libin Gao,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China invited as TPC at NEMD 2023!
Assoc. Prof. Libin Gao,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China invited as TPC at NEMD 2023.
Welcome Prof. Qiao Yinhu, Anhui Science and Technology University Invited as TPC at NEMD 2023!
Prof. Qiao Yinhu,Anhui Science and Technology University Invited as TPC at NEMD 2023.